Related to #binance

Grow in USDT - Quick Setup
Grow in USDT - Quick Setup

In this post we are going to use the Cyato H.A. Swing indicator to create a lot of buy & sell strategies very quickly, while making sure we beat the Buy & Hold return with the backtest. We will be focusing on Binance USDT markets, the goal will be to grow in USDT with automated signals. We will also make a top 10 of the best coins who had the best results.

The indicator

The Cyato H.A. Swing ...

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BTC market Swing Strategies

In this article I will show the backtest results of the Cyato H.A. Swing indicator on Binance BTC markets, and make a TOP 8 most profitable coins of 2018-2019.
Most altcoins have been performing badly in 2019 with the bear market, making it hard for a Buy & Sell strategy to be profitable. However I managed to list 20 coins with which the strategy was profitable, and we will see that there are som ...

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BTC market Swing Strategies
Automate the indicators for FREE!
Automate the indicators for FREE!

In this tutorial, we will see how to create a bot and automate a strategy for free using webhooks.

For the sake of the tutorial, I will use a simple buy & sell strategy created with the Cyato H.A. Swing indicator. We will trade Bitcoin in the 8H timeframe. is the platform that allows us to create free bots. They are using the Binance broker program. ...

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Binance Bots Now Included!

It is now possible to automate your trading using the indicators and Binance. I used Binance API to code a bot system, so that this website can now receive TradingView signals and directly place orders on your Binance account. We will see what is required, and how it works.

What you need to automate your trading

To create trading bots, you will need 2 things: a Cyatophilum Indicators subsc ...

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Binance Bots Now Included!
How to create an accumulation bot
How to create an accumulation bot

In this article we will see how to create an accumulation strategy bot in 4 simple steps.

- A Cyatophilum Indicators subscription. The subscription includes access to the indicators and the Binance bots.
- A Binance account. You create one here.

How does the strategy works?

The strategy takes advantage of the volatility of the market. It will buy several times when the p ...

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The Top 3 Best Cryptocurrency Exchanges

The Top 3 Best Cryptocurrency Exchanges
Cryptocurrency trading has exploded in popularity over the last few years. It is now easier than ever to buy, sell, and trade digital currencies, thanks in large part to the proliferation of cryptocurrency exchanges. With so many options out there, it can be hard to know where to start. In this article, we'll take a look at the top 3 best cryptocurrency exc ...

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The Top 3 Best Cryptocurrency Exchanges